Contact the NEIL Board of Directors

There are two ways you can reach the board:

Contact Email
Entire Board neilboard AT
Individual Board members See the addresses of the current Board.
US Mail
All Intercon questions Intercon U
c/o Chad Bergeron
258 Edgell Road
Framingham, MA 01701
All NEIL questions New England Interactive Literature
c/o Chad Bergeron
258 Edgell Road
Framingham, MA 01701

The Board is always looking for ways to encourage LARP. Have an idea? Have a clever plan? Have a group of people with the drive to do something that brings something interesting to LARP and LARPers? Then tell us about it.

Remember, the Board is just a small group of people who tend to the business and legal details behind Intercon, NELCO, and other events. The Board sponsors volunteers with a plan, to let them lead and run things. So - be prepared to take charge! Help us grow LARPing in New England!